Solving Problems with Dollar Bills 2nd Grade Lesson Post #5

 For this lesson, I taught my students how to solve problems with many different dollar bills, rather than coins. 

I noticed that my students enjoyed working with dollar bills more than working with only coins. For some reason, in the workbooks, both physical and digital, the visual learning video is not mentioned as the first thing to be presented. However, I think it is vital to show the visual learning video to the 2nd grade students first so that they can get an idea of what the lesson and topic will be about. 

I definitely liked that the video started off by explaining how many coins a dollar bill is worth. I also liked how in this video, the students were able to see many physical images of what different bills look like. 

I did some guided practice problems with my class. 

The students did well with counting how much money was in each problem. Below, I am including a student's homework from this lesson.

As you see, the student successfully solved and drew the money problems without any problems. 
Reflecting back on this lesson, I think it went very well. The students really understood what was being taught easily. I think it is especially important for young learners to understand how to count money and add money at a young age as a life skill, as well as a math skill.
 I used the EnVision Mathematics Grade 2 workbook, Topic 8 lesson 3 for this lesson. 

New York State Next Generation Mathematics Learning Standards: NY-2.MD.8a: Count a mixed collection of coins whose sum is less than or equal to one dollar.
NY-2.MD.8b: Solve real world and mathematical problems within one dollar involving quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies using the 𝇍 (cent) symbol appropriately. e.g., If you have 2 quarters, 2 dimes, and 3 pennies, how many cents do you have?
Common Core State Standards For Mathematics: Standard for Mathematical Practice: 4. Model with Mathematics.
