
Showing posts from July, 2021

Telling Time! A.M. v.s. P.M. 2nd Grade Lesson Post #10

For my final post, I am going to continue talking about teaching time. As a teacher to elementary school students, it is very important for them to learn at a young age the difference between a.m. and p.m. They show two different parts of the day. I used as my resource for this lesson. I unfortunately did not get to use the website when I taught time but I think it is excellent. When learning about a.m. and p.m. it is important for the students to read examples on how to differ the two. Here are some sample problems: As you see, all of these examples are excellent in differing a.m. v.s. p.m for the students. Reflecting back on this resource and lesson, I think it is very versatile. I especially like that by just clicking the blue sound icon, students can have the question read out to them. The website and link I used is: New York State Next Generation Mathematics Learning Standards:  NY-2.MD: Work with time and money. Tell and...

Telling Time! Matching Analog Clocks and Digital Clocks 2nd Grade Lesson Plan Post #9

 I was able to teach my students about time earlier in the school year. I believe that teaching students at a young age about time is extremely important. I found a website called that has excellent activities and resources for 2nd grade in regard to time. I wish that I would have known about this website sooner. In the above activity, students would first read the time that is shown on the analog clock. Then, the question asks what time the analog clock shows, and how would it look like on a digital clock. I really like how if you click on the blue speaker, the directions as well as the question is read out loud to the student. I also like how this website gives the students a refresher of how to read time on a analog clock if they really get stuck. Reflecting back on this resource and lesson, I think it would be a useful website to help students continue to learn about time. By the 2nd grade students should already be familiar with time. The website and link I used is:...

Data and Graphs: Picture Graphs 2nd Grade Lesson Post #8

  I will be continuing to talk about Graphs and Data in this post. This week, I will be talking about a lesson I did with my 2nd graders on picture graphs. My students enjoyed learning about these types of graphs the most. I first played the visual learning video in order to introduce the topic to my class, both verbally and visually. I like how the speaker in the video explained how using pictures instead of numbers or tally's can still represent those numbers or tally marks. Next, we worked on a problem together in class. This convince me problem asked the students to explain how can a tally chart and picture graph be similar to each other to represent the same data. The students first counted the amount of students who liked each type of ball games on both charts. They noticed that both charts shows the same amount, except one is by using the picture key, and the other is by using tally marks. Reflecting back on this topic, I think that my students did very well in comprehending...