Telling Time! Matching Analog Clocks and Digital Clocks 2nd Grade Lesson Plan Post #9
I was able to teach my students about time earlier in the school year. I believe that teaching students at a young age about time is extremely important. I found a website called that has excellent activities and resources for 2nd grade in regard to time. I wish that I would have known about this website sooner.
In the above activity, students would first read the time that is shown on the analog clock. Then, the question asks what time the analog clock shows, and how would it look like on a digital clock. I really like how if you click on the blue speaker, the directions as well as the question is read out loud to the student. I also like how this website gives the students a refresher of how to read time on a analog clock if they really get stuck.
Reflecting back on this resource and lesson, I think it would be a useful website to help students continue to learn about time. By the 2nd grade students should already be familiar with time.
The website and link I used is:
Common Core State Standards For Mathematics: Standard for Mathematical Practice: 4. Model with Mathematics.
This seems like a really great resource for students, with multiple accommodations available. I feel like using an online version instead of the physical ones could actually be beneficial to a lot of students who are struggling to understand how a clock works. Thank you for sharing this resource!