Data and Graphs: Bar Graphs 2nd Grade Post #7
This week, my post is a continuation of Data, but it is going to be talking about Bar Graphs. Now that my students are able to recognize and read data, they are also able to learn about different types of graphs. For this lesson, I first played the Visual Learning Video. This video helped my students understand what a bar graph is; as well as what it looks like and how to read a bar graph. I like how in the visual learning videos there continues to be questions throughout the video. This helped to keep the students engaged as well as making sure they were comprehending what was being taught in the video. For the Solve and Share problem that my students and I worked on together, I had them figure out how many numbers of birthdays are in the bar graph. My class had to read the bar graph one by one in order to find the answers. Reflecting on this lesson, I think that it went well. Similar to the bar graph, I matched most of the bar graph colors to the number of people who...